Call for Papers
ISMAR 2025 will host a single track for papers and include a revise and resubmit phase, strengthening the rebuttal opportunity.
ISMAR 2025 will cover industry and research activities related to the full range of immersive technologies (AR, MR and VR), including everything from interfaces in the real world to fully immersive experiences, and beyond. This range goes far beyond the traditional published work in AR, such as precise 3D tracking, visual display, and real-time performance. We specifically invite contributions that advance all aspects of AR / MR / VR technology and user experiences.
Paper Submissions
This year, there is one submission deadline for a unified review process for both the IEEE TVCG journal and the conference only papers. The possible outcomes of this unified process are:
- Accept as IEEE TVCG paper, with presentation at ISMAR 2025
- Accept as IEEE ISMAR 2025 conference paper, with presentation
- Recommend as IEEE ISMAR 2025 poster
- Reject
Submissions accepted as journal papers will be directly published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Submissions accepted as conference papers will be published in the conference proceedings of ISMAR 2025. All accepted papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library and will be subject to the registration and publication processing policies of ISMAR 2025.
Submissions may be 4-9 pages with an additional 2 pages of references. Note that a paper abstract must be uploaded prior to the actual paper submission deadline (see submission deadlines below). All paper submissions must be in English and left blind for review. The accepted papers will also be granted an oral presentation during the conference and will have the opportunity to present as a demo if desired.
The review process will consist of two review cycles. The result of the first review cycle determines if a submission is eligible for a revision and resubmission. This means submissions that are eligible for a revision can clarify issues raised by reviewers directly in a revised version of the submission, but this does not guarantee acceptance. The second review cycle consists of a short re-review of the revisions by reviewers and leads to a final recommendation.
Important Deadlines
- Abstract deadline: April 4th, 2025 (23:59 AoE, Friday)
- Paper submission: April 11th, 2025 (23:59 AoE, Friday)
- Initial Notification: June 3rd, 2025 (23:59 AoE, Tuesday)
- Revise and Resubmit: June 18th, 2025 (23:59 AoE, Wednesday)
- Final Notification: July 22nd, 2025 (23:59 AoE, Tuesday)
- Camera-ready version: July 31st, 2025 (23:59 AoE, Thursday)
Topics of Interest
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Assistive Technologies and Applications
- Camera and Projector-Camera Calibration
- Collaborative Interfaces
- Computer Vision
- Content Creation / Authoring and Content Management
- Conversational and Speech Interfaces
- Display Technologies (e.g., eyewear, smartwatches, projectors)
- Diversity and Inclusivity Issues
- Ethical Issues
- Ergonomics and Human Factors
- Free Viewpoint Image Generation
- Haptic and tactile interfaces, wearable haptics, passive haptics, pseudo haptics
- Human Augmentations
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Immersive Visual Analytics
- Localization, Spatial Registration, and Tracking
- Locomotion and Navigation Techniques
- Mediated and Diminished Reality
- Multimodal Input and Output
- Omnidirectional, 360, Immersive Videos
- Optics
- Perception
- Presence, Body Ownership, and Agency
- Psychology
- Real-Time Performance Issues
- Rendering Techniques
- Sensor Fusion
- Spatial Audio, Auditory Perception, and Psychoacoustics
- Spatial AR, Projection Mapping, Projector-Camera Systems
- System Architectures, Distributed, and Online Systems
- Touch, Tangible, and Gesture Interfaces
- Technology Acceptance and Social Implications
- Teleoperation, Telepresence, and Telexistence
- User Experience, Usability Studies, and Human-Subjects Experiments
- VR Simulations of AR/MR
- Virtual Production
- Virtual Humans and Avatars
- Visualization Techniques
- AR/MR/VR applications from domains include, but are not limited to:
- Architecture
- Art, Cultural Heritage, Education, and Training
- Automotive and Aerospace
- Entertainment, Sports Broadcast
- Health, Wellbeing, and Medical Applications
- Industrial, Military, Emergency Response
- Therapy and Rehabilitation
For full details and submission guidelines, visit ISMAR 2025 Official Website.
ISMAR 2025 Scientific Program Chairs: Ulrich Eck, Gun Lee, Alexander Plopski, Missie Smith, Qi Sun, Markus Tatzgern